Friday, March 22, 2013

The Nature of Healing

                                    The Nature of Healing


It is said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and yet, as we live our busy, stress filled lives here on Earth, most of us tend to forget that we are multidimensional beings of light and love, whose very nature is eternal and magnificent.  Instead, we get squashed into these tiny, constricted physical bodies, and over time, our awareness becomes as tiny and constricted as our bodies are.  It is very difficult to remember our true nature when we are that tight and overwhelmed with the demands of human existence.  Being stressed out and overwhelmed creates a terrible tension within our minds and our hearts, and this tension creates a constriction of the natural flow of Spiritual Energy and Prana that keeps us alive, and fills our consciousness with Light, Peace and Expansive Awareness.  Without that connection to the natural flow of spiritual energy that is within us and around us, our innate sense of balance will be off, and our perception of life will be altered and distorted.   A true sense of balance comes from knowing yourself very well, by being able to perceive all that we are, beyond the physical body and the mind.  Very few of us are even aware that there is so much more to us than just our physical presence, our five senses and the processes of our mind while we are here on earth.   We trust that our brain & senses are giving us the correct perceptions and the information that is necessary in order to understand ourselves and how we relate to life.  Yet this is the paradox;  the mind, the senses and its myriad of perceptions and segments of information sewn together in bits and pieces that seemingly make sense, can be very deceptive and lead us in the wrong direction if we are not anchored properly to our own Higher Awareness; our Spiritual Knowingness and the Wisdom that flows down from above the mind.  This Higher Awareness is like a fountain of Flowing Light which contains within it all the Knowledge, all the Love, all the Peace and Greatness of our Soul's Union with all of Creation and with the God Head; our Own Divine Roots & our Connectedness to all that is.  When we are connected to that Great Divine Flow, and we begin to grow and stretch within it, we are Becoming One with all that is, and we eventually become Supremely Content  and Happy for No Reason.  We Become Love.  We Become Happiness and we Become Peace.  Then, we become Radiant Sources of that Grace for the illumination of all.  It is our evolutionary destiny, no matter how long it takes, and how many lifetimes we must travel through in order to get there. 

Yet how have we become so out of balance, so confused and distorted that we have allowed ourselves as a species to forget our divine origins, to constrict our spiritual flow to such an extent that we are closed off all together from our own source of Power, Light, Wisdom and Love?  We are so tight and constricted that we can no longer perceive our own Brilliance and the Absolute Beauty that is all around us.   Life has become so distorted that our reality has shifted drastically and perversely, allowing us to use assault weapons against our own children and neighbors; we now plant poison, mutant seeds that bring forth rotten fruits that give birth to yet unknown consequences to the human body and mind, we poison the oceans with Radiation, Chemicals, & our Military Weapons that Destroy the Great Angels & Ancient Record Keepers (Dolphins & Whales) of the Oceans & the Protective layers of the Ionosphere, high above the Earth; 

Devastating Oil Spills that kill the perfection & Beauty of the ocean echo systems, while the once abundant & rich resources of the Earth, given freely and abundantly by the Creator, have been raped, pillaged and left for dead, as policies like slash and burn turns moist, abundant Rainforests, the Lungs of Mother Earth, into dust and death. Pave Paradise and put up a parking lot. All of this is the direct consequence of living out of harmony with our own spiritual rhythms and with the rhythms of the Earth.  We wonder, why is the Earth Quaking so frequently and with such Force, and why are the Droughts so Dry, the Fires so Hot, the Snow and Ice so thick, the Tornadoes so Monstrous and the Great Storms so Devastating?  Our own Divine Intelligence has been abandoned and sold out to conspicuous consumption, greed, selfish desires and a total lack of caring for our fellow Beings on Planet Earth.   We have failed to see the Divine within ourselves, so how then can we see it in others and in the earth and the universe itself?  This is the most terrible form of violence there is in the world, and it is escalating at an alarming rate.  If we are to restore Balance and Harmony in the world, it must begin with each and every one of us making a powerful attempt to restore our Spiritual Connection to Ourselves, to really Heal ourselves of this insanity we have been living in as a society and to learn to let go and to release what we hold so tightly to.  We must actively restore that vital flow of Spiritual Energy within and around us, fill ourselves with the "Juice" of  an Immensely Loving, Unlimited & Perfect Universe, and allow that Love and Light to spill over into our Hearts and Minds like a Mighty River that will carry us where we need to go, simply because it Knows where we need to be going, and how to get there.  We must learn to TRUST & to Surrender. 
Yet,  as individuals, when we are experiencing a crisis, such as an devastating illness which requires us to seek a greater understanding of life and the nature and process of healing, it can be overwhelming.  Unfortunately, most of us do not consider our own well-being until something disrupts it.  Life these days, with all it’s demands and stresses is, for most people, very difficult to manage, and time itself seems to be in short supply.  The days feel long and exhausting, and the time available to consider one’s deep inner needs seems to be the last thing on everyone’s “to do” list.  When I suggest that someone consider beginning a simple meditation practice every day for 20 minutes, the most common response I get is, "I don't have the luxury of meditating!"  Would you say that about dinner? Oops, I'm sorry, I just don't have the luxury of eating dinner, but when the food comes out of the oven, the forks are armed and ready!

As a result, we have very little awareness of our own inner landscape, the Land of the Soul, and the needs of that inner place from which all of life's experiences and karmas burst forth like ripe fruit hanging on the Vine,  to Awaken us, and there is much uncharted territory within the mysterious recesses of our own heart and mind.  We know very little about ourselves.  It is not surprising that life usually forces us to make a change by presenting us with a major crisis that abruptly stops us in our tracks, and forces us to confront ourselves.   A major heart attack, a cancer diagnosis, a job loss, a tornado or an earthquake that brings us to our knees, the loss of a home, the death of a loved one, a divorce, a betrayal,  an alien abduction (Really? Only if you live in Sedona!),  a  violent attack or a sudden reversal of fortune, all seem to have the same message: We are out of balance, and the control we believed we had in our life has somehow evaporated, leaving us feeling frightened and alone, out of control.  Sometimes when a crisis occurs,  what we once relied upon to give us direction and courage may no longer provide us with an understanding of how to deal with the situation at hand, and we find that our former ways of coping with stress and upheaval simply doesn’t work anymore.  So, maybe we try smoking more cigarettes, having another glass of wine or two, buying another dress and an extra pair of shoes, eating more dessert, watching a few extra movies, having more sex or taking pills to “calm down”, all fail to provide the comfort and relief we seek, or they do so only temporarily,and then the pain reemerges, with an even greater verosity.   The problem is, we try to keep filling the only holes we are aware of, but because those holes are only a symptom of the much larger, unseen holes within us, we keep trying to fill them with the same old stuff, and of course, this does nothing to assuage the problem , because the real problem is hidden deep below the surface of our awareness. 

Our real problem stems from our lack of understanding about our own true nature.  How can we understand ourselves and function optimally when we don’t even have an awareness of who we really are and why we are here? It would be like trying to exist as a bird, without having an awareness of what wings are and how to use them!   Imagine how frustrating and depressing it would be to be a bird, and to have an overwhelming, instinctive  urge to fly, but without having the knowledge of what those two feathery, flapping appendages are on both sides of our bodies?  It’s a form of ignorance, and when that ignorance occurs, it is as if we have forgotten who we really are.  So then, we go through life dragging these wings around as we stay bound and unnecessarily imprisoned on the earth by gravity, while we have this hidden, but very real anguish because our instinctive nature to soar is being suppressed by our ignorance.   This is the predicament we find ourselves in as Human Beings.  We are so much more than we believe ourselves to be, yet most of us are so caught up in our day to day material lives that we do not look beyond it.  We peck at the crumbs, when the whole world of nectarous flowers belong to us!  This world is but a pale reflection of the beauty, the sweetness, the joy, the love and the truth that we are each a part of.  We are of infinite Light and Love.  It is our True Nature , and yet we believe ourselves to be these tiny, mortal bodies that some day return to the dirt from which they came.

The Truth is that these tiny, fragile bodies are the very least of whom we are, and their death is insignificant in the long run.  In Truth, we are Eternal Light and Consciousness, Love and Beauty, Wisdom and Truth.   Within these fragile and impermanent bodies, it is that Light, Love, Truth and Consciousness that is our True Essence, and our True Essence will always show us the way to True Healing, the healing that comes from harnessing the Power, Light, Understanding, Beauty, Grandeur, Peace and Bliss of our own Divinity. 

May all Beings Everywhere be Happy, Free, Healthy, and Filled with all that they Need.  May Peace Prevail On Earth!  Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

With Love & Blessings, Always

Sanatani Maa   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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