Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Multidimentional Revolution & The Return of the Healer

Bringing It Up Notch: Paradigm Shifts & Acknowledging the Sacred in all of Life

What is this moment in time calling for? Are we awake, fully attentive to the changes happening around us? Are we able to listen to the real need so that we can step through the door that is being opened?

- Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sufi Master


 Most of us will agree that the mystery and miracle of life is so much more than we are able to comprehend in our every day lives, as we go through life, dealing mostly with our obligations to family, to our work life, and to fulfilling our needs and desires.  On top of that, we are facing economic downturns that result in devastation for many families and communities, as well as the cultural and unprecedented social issues  and problems that appear to have no clear resolution.  We are, indeed  a world in turmoil, and that global turmoil is churning us and forcing us to look at our world, with all it’s problems, violence and lack of awareness, and consider what we all must do in order to transform our own little part we play in it.

The massive social issues that we are facing today, whether it be in the world of medicine, government, politics, the economy, personal relationships and interactions with people who are “different” from us, the massive increase in Natural Disasters that have devastated whole communities, and the unbridled use of deadly force and violence that has escalated far beyond anything we could have ever imagined, require us to deeply consider taking a different approach, and an alternative & creative way of thinking about how to transform these issues.  Albert Einstein once said, “We can not solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used to create them.”  We must have the capacity to see beyond our own societal & personal blinders, so that we can get a clear view of what is beyond our very faces, and have a more rarefied  view of the vast horizon.  We must begin to go beyond our limited views of what it means to be Human, and to be living a human life on this planet.  There is so much to see that we simply refuse to believe or to even look at.  We have, for the most part, severely limited ourselves; seeing ourselves as an amalgamation of biological, physiological, psychological & social functions.  While this perspective might be true and has been helpful in our understanding of life, it is only a fraction of what is real and true, and it is woefully inadequate to solve the problems that we face today.  Its kind of like when Christopher Colombus set out to sail the world, thinking that it was flat, and that he might just end up falling off the edge of the Earth and down into oblivion!  But he did not fail in his attempt, because he misunderstood the nature of the planet.  It was round, not flat as the he had thought.  That was a paradigm changer, for sure!  Our paradigms change as our understanding, wisdom, courage and acceptance grows and evolves.  This is the way of evolution, on every level.

We have a very urgent need to transcend our current paradigm, shattering it’s limitations so that we can see the vast horizon, the Universe beyond us, and begin to understand who we really are: Eternal Spiritual Beings, held within the container of a Human Body while on the Earth Plane,  with a spiritual energy field that is open, infinite and whose essence is divine in nature and always interacting with the energies of the our environment, consciously or unconsciously.  Each person manifests unique energetic patterns that are interrelated, inseparable and continually evolving.  As such, we must harness the power and courage to embrace all that a new paradigm can give us, all that it can allow us to Become.  Maybe we can call this new paradigm The Universal Awareness and Unity paradigm, or maybe, The Unconditional Love and Unity Paradigm, The One Love Paradigm, or The Awakening Paradigm.  Any of these phrases expresses what we currently find ourselves lacking, and also gives us the intention and the courage to rise beyond what has been plaguing us and holding us back from being all that we are capable of becoming as Sacred Beings.  This assists in defining who we are from a more Holistic and Expansive perspective, as it embraces the whole of life, and beyond.                              

This new paradigm acknowledges the Deeply Spiritual Nature of reality, our own Deeply Expansive nature and the Energetic & Spiritual nature of our existence, as well as the Multi-dimensionality of that existence.  We are more than 3D!   This profound perspective  assists us to move beyond our limited inter-personal, cultural, religious, social and economic differences, while allowing us to perceive the inherent Unity in all of Life.  As the upward, spiral path of evolution brings us beyond our current paradigm,  there are labour pains, and as the birth gets closer and the labor more difficult, it feels like we are being violently torn apart; destroyed or certainly brought close to death.  Then the New Born arrives, out of it’s own chaotic transit through the birth canal,  finally safe as it lays upon it’s Mother’s Breast, waiting for that first sip of nectar from the One who Loves Selflessly; the Mother. 

In the old paradigm, this senario of unconditional love does not always play out.  In our current reality as it is playing out now, some children get abused by the ones who are supposed to love them unconditionally, or they get shot at a school that is supposed to be protecting them, and then when they get to be teenagers, many end up on the street, with no home or food or support, having to pimp their bodies & use dangerous street drugs in order to survive another day in oblivion.  These kids go relatively unnoticed, like much of suffering humanity.  Yes, it hurts so much to be unnoticed and unloved while in your deepest pain.
The Old Paradigm is a dying star that will soon have little hold on us, and we will rise up and embrace the newly forming paradigm that will assist us in perceiving the inherent Unity and Unconditional Love embedded in the matrix of the Sacred Universe.  As we begin to perceive the universe and life as sacred and having the highest and best intentions for us, the way we regard ourselves and all others will begin to be transformed as well.  Our understanding of the Sacredness of all of life will begin to be played out gradually, as the dying paradigm of greed, selfishness, violence and disrespect for life teaches us how not to live.  Yet we are quickly growing weary of living in the old paradigm, of this disintegration of all that is good.  However, this was a gift to humanity, just as any paradigm is.  This is the one that showed us what happens when profit-at-any-cost is the only thing we hold as sacred, and we have no real values and no regard or respect for others and no reverence for the sacredness of Life. We fail to see that we are all One, and by living life in this manner, we are killing ourselves and our planet.  


Let us begin now to live in the Sacredness of Life, as we stand between the old paradigm and the new; not an easy place to be right now, but just knowing that the shift is beginning can give us the courage and motivation to begin the transformations that are necessary.  As we begin to experience life as being sacred, the way we begin to see ourselves and each other begins to change and become more meaningful and respectful as we work with our patients. We are genuinely wanting to know them, to know how they feel and what they need; to know their deepest wishes and fears, and to support them on their unique path by honoring their needs and concerns.  We begin to see that we are all a part of each other, and as my Spiritual Teacher once told me, we will begin to witness God within each person we meet, and that will create a feeling of being humble, of wanting to be of True Service to others.  Healers, Nurses, Doctors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Medical Professionals, Alternative Medicine Practitioners & Caregivers, we must strive to have a deep regard and reverence for our patients, and for one another. 

This holds true for your own needs as well.  You must begin to honor your own need for balance, for time off, for nourishing meals, a massage, and support when you need it.  Nursing is the most demanding of all professions, and taking care of your Self, and respecting your own needs for time off, for meditation, walks on the beach, or in the woods, or working out, time away from the work place to recharge must be part of your new paradigm.  A negative, burned out nurse can create much more harm than good.  Learn to listen to your own needs and know when you have hit your max, before you go over it.  Take your power and give yourself what you need in order to be in Balance, Compassionate, Receptive to what your patients are trying to communicate to you. 

Cultivate a peaceful and loving mind so that nothing outside of yourself can cause you to be off balance; learning a Meditation Practice and Yoga are infinitely helpful with this, and can make your job much more manageable, and give you a sense of ease and mental peace.  Simple yoga postures and short, guided meditations can also be extremely helpful for a patient that is anxious, in pain, depressed, stressed out or having symptoms that respond to certain simple yoga postures or Mudras (simple yoga postures used with finger movements).  I will be teaching some of these techniques in future posts, and in on line classes via skype, soon. 

Respect Yourself.  Love Yourself, and then you can extend that peace, love, respect and unconditional Positive Regard to others.  It all begins Within You.  Be the Change you wish to see within your Self and within your World! 

Also, remember to be aware of when a comrade needs your support;  make a practice of quickly assessing a look, a tension, a tear, a feeling of overwhelm or grief or frustration.  Often, it takes only a simple hug or a loving touch to let someone know that you understand, and that you care.  Those simple gifts are rare, and deeply sacred offerings. 

"There is no energy more powerful than Love. Love creates miracles, heals all wounds, and purifies all lower energies. You cannot give love away, for the more you give, the more you will receive in return. When you choose love you bring about the Highest good for yourself and others. Offering love is always the right choice. With love you can transform or be transparent to people's emotions and thoughts, neutralize "negative" energy, and harmonize with all life in the universe. All energy in the universe responds positively to love."

With Infinite Love & Blessings,

Sanatani Maa

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